General Info
General Rules
1. As a condition of entry competitors must be a member of Silver Leys Polo Club (See membership for further details and benefits) unless a “Non-Member” option is available on the schedule (e.g. British Dressage / External show – please remember to click “apply members rates if you are a Silver Leys member).
2. All Competitors must be suitably dressed. Hard Hats MUST be worn when mounted at all times. A suitable body protector is recommended especially when competing in any class involving jumping and compulsory for any events involving XC style fences for competitors 16 years or under.
3. Equestrian Events / Silver Leys Polo Club /, or any persons representing either entity DO NOT accept any responsibility or liability for any loss, damage, accident, injury or illness to Horses, Ponies, Riders, Property or any persons/animals in attendance whatsoever.
4. All dogs must be kept on leads at all times whilst shows are running.
5. No admittance to the Livery Yard to any Horse, Rider or persons.
6. Riding on any Polo pitch is strictly prohibited unless prior permission has been granted. Horses may only be lunged in designated areas.
7. Eligibility – please ensure that you are eligible to enter each specific class. The criteria listed in our schedule may differ from that of any organisation that we are running qualifying classes for e.g. Sunshine Tour – it is your responsibility to check
8. We reserve the right to alter, cancel or close classes without notice or refuse entry at the discretion of the organisers. Classes are not necessarily run in the order printed on the schedules or in number order.
9. Anyone entering competitions or supporters will have deemed to have given permission to be photographed and for any such photographs to be used on social media, relevant websites, press releases etc unless Equestrian Events are otherwise informed in writing or via email prior.
10. Entry Fees
i) Will only be refunded upon the production of a current Vet/Doctors certificate. Entries withdrawn in accordance with the above after the closing date are subject to the deduction of an administration fee.
ii) Once times have been provided entry fees are non refundable.
iii) Any Late Entry is subject to a late entry fee .
iv) In the event that Equestrian Events/Silver Leys Equestrian have to cancel an event (weather etc) entry fees will be refundable / transferable .
11. All Horses/Ponies must have an up to date Vaccination Certificate that can be produced on demand. Any horse utilising any stabling facility must produce a Vaccination certificate per animal prior to being admitted.
12. The Judge’s decision is final.
13. Horses/Ponies must not be left unattended tied to Lorries/Trailers and ALL DROPPINGS/LITTER MUST be removed from the parking area PRIOR TO DEPARTURE
14. Do not obstruct any field gates or bridle way entrances with parked vehicles—you will be asked to move.
15. Overnight accommodation – please respect our neighbours and keep noise levels to a minimum.